Cyber Security und Data Protection in China - What comes 2022?

Cyber Security und Data Protection in China - What comes 2022?
  • Cyber Security und Data Protection in China - What comes 2022?
by Sophia Fuchs

The year 2021 was a turbulent year in China. Not only was the Cyber Security Law increasingly strictly enforced, but two other laws relevant to cyber security and data protection also came into force: the Data Security Law and the Personal Information Protection Law. Even in the new Export Control Law, the topic of data protection and especially cross-border data traffic was taken up.

Are the topics of cyber security and data protection now a thing of the past for Chinese legislators and can companies implement the requirements of the new laws in peace next year? Or should we expect an avalanche of new regulations next year as well?
In this webinar, we would like to give a brief overview of what to expect in the areas of cyber security and data protection in China next year and how companies can prepare themselves.

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